The Power of An Invitation || Ryan Vallee

April 16, 2023
Hear from Ryan Vallee from Alpha as he explores the power of an invitation in the life of both a Christian and someone who is yet to believe. Drawing from biblical principles and real-life stories from Alpha, Ryan gives practical insight into evangelism. Alpha is a video series followed by group conversations designed for those who are interested in exploring life, spirituality, and faith in a relaxed, non-judgmental environment. If you’re an atheist, skeptic or just curious about faith, bring your thoughts to the discussion group and explore questions of life with new friends! To find out more about Alpha visit: If this message stirred something within or if you would like prayer, feel free to head to or contact us: Facebook: Instagram: Make sure if you haven’t yet; subscribe to our channel and follow our social accounts to stay up to date and be encouraged throughout the week! For more information about Newlife head to

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