The Newlife Family of Churches has adopted a cooperative governance model based on the belief that together, churches can achieve more than they can individually. The model emphasises interdependence of multiple congregations while maintaining local leadership autonomy.
The Newlife Family Council provides spiritually led strategic direction for the family of churches. It consists of locally elected leaders/elders from all congregations who meet for a full leaders/elders meeting twice a year. This governance structure fits within the polity and regulations of the Uniting Church in Australia, which is organised into non-hierarchical, interrelated councils.
The Uniting Church acknowledges that Christ alone is supreme in His Church, and that it may speak to it through any of its councils. Government of the Uniting Church is unlike that of other churches, including its own predecessor denominations. The Newlife Family Council offers lines of accountability, but it is in no way outside the form and function that has guided the governance of the Uniting Church.
The Newlife Family of Churches is committed to seeing more people more like Jesus. Its multi-church strategy has the capacity to expand and develop as new church plants are added. This model supports the health of localised congregations and the continued vision of planting churches without compromising each other.
Newlife is dedicated to promoting healthy spiritual growth, providing pastoral oversight, and equipping members and adherents for engagement in worship, witness, and service in the world. The Newlife Family of Churches values shared mission, values, vision, beliefs, and strategic direction, and is resourced by Newlife College for vocational, missional, and ministry leadership training.