Dinner with the Hungry Crowd

October 29, 2023
Join us for the second instalment of the "Dinner With Jesus" series, as we welcome guest speaker Ps. Stacey Trolove. In this transformative message, Stacey will guide us through an exploration of the intertwining passages in Matthew 14 and John 6. Drawing inspiration from the narratives of Moses feeding the Israelites in the wilderness with miraculous manna and Jesus feeding the hungry crowd in the wilderness with a miraculous multiplication of bread, Ps. Stacey will delve into the symbolism of Jesus as the Bread of Life. As we journey through these passages, the focus will be on understanding the significance of Jesus as the ultimate source of sustenance and how we, too, can feast upon what God offers us in Christ. This sermon aims to inspire a deepened understanding of our spiritual hunger and the satisfying abundance found in Jesus as well as an invitation to share this abundance with others in our lives. We hope and pray this message is a blessing to you!

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