Dining With Levi

October 22, 2023
In this powerful message, we'll delve into the narrative where Jesus dines with tax collectors and sinners, showcasing the profound impact of divine connection over shared meals. Ps. Anna will unpack the warmth and compassion in Christ's character, revealing how these encounters were not just about physical sustenance but a spiritual feast of grace, forgiveness, and love. As we journey through Mark 2:14-17, we'll gain insights into the transformative power of Jesus' mission—inviting us to embrace a hospitality that goes beyond societal norms, and to witness the profound grace that turns ordinary moments into divine encounters. Don't miss this message as we kick off our series "Dinner With Jesus." Come hungry for spiritual nourishment, and let the revelation of Christ's character through this passage guide you in your own encounters with others. We hope and pray this message is a blessing to you!

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